The Science Behind The Speakmans’ Therapy
The Speakmans have developed three literally life changing therapies, as evidenced from the films on this website.
‘Schema Conditioning Psychotherapy’®, ‘Visual Schema Displacement Therapy (VSDT)’®
and ‘Visual Schema Detachment & Restructuring (VSDR)’®.
Visual Schema Displacement Therapy (VSDT®) Scientific Studies
Visual Schema Displacement therapy (VSDT®), previously known as Visual Coding Displacement therapy (VCDT®), is a therapy which works by locating a traumatic memory in the brain through specific eye cues, and 'neutralising' it.
VSDT is based off the principle that traumatic memories can become deeply set in the psyche in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, and so should be able to be removed just as quickly. Since 2015, The Speakmans have been working with psychology professors at Universities in Amsterdam and Utrecht, who have conducted scientific studies into the workings of VSDT®.
Further Scientific and Clinical Evidence Showing Efficacy of VSDT®
The third study of Visual Schema Displacement therapy, was published in The European Journal of Psychotraumatology in April 2021.
In 2024 the latest clinical study was published in ‘Frontiers In Psychiatry’ and highlighted At three month follow-up, 58.3% of the participants who had VSDT no longer met a PTSD diagnostic criteria.
Visual Schema Displacement Therapy (VSDT)® is a therapy that involves eye movements, similar to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and reprocessing), a well-established first-line treatment for PTSD. However, eye movements are performed differently, and VSDT® therapy also contains several other elements.