Combat PTSD

After multiple Iraq tours, Dorian Donnelly developed CPTSD. He gradually became more frightened of crowds and leaving the house. Dorian had several life-threatening experiences that caused his PTSD, but he cites holding back a crowd in Basra with his battalion as the worst. He was told he needed anti-depressants, but he refused to take them. Dorian knew he had anxiety, but felt he wasn’t depressed. He began avoiding going anywhere with crowds, and as such, missed many family events, most heart-breaking of all, being able to take his son to watch rugby matches. Dorian felt his life could never get better, having been told by his doctor PTSD is for life and it cannot be cured. Having become increasingly worried about her husband, Dorian’s wife Danielle asked The Speakmans for help.


Police Officer Attack


Royal Marines Terror Attack