PTSD Success Stories

The Speakmans believe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) can be cured.

This is evidenced by the numerous films below.

  • Human Trafficking

    Human Trafficking

    Danielle and her friend took a 6-month dance contract at a hotel in Egypt. After arriving, it became obvious that the job was nothing like what was advertised, and both girls almost became lost into the world of trafficking.

  • Sex Attack

    Sex Attack

    Sarah was the victim of a sex attack 14 years ago. She was left so traumatized, she struggles to talk about it and has not been able to leave the house alone since.

  • Child Grooming

    Child Grooming

    At 15, Victoria was controlled and groomed by an adult, who subjected her to months of psychological sexual abuse and rape.