Fatal Car Accident

Sue and her husband were travelling home after a long weekend. They were 25 minutes from home when out of the blue, a silver car driving in the opposite direction mounted the grass curb, and came flying through the air and on top of their car. The 28 year old lady driving the car died. Sue and her husband were taken to hospital. They both suffered many injuries. Sue is still on a crutch, and suffers from a lot of pain. She says the worst pain of all is the mental pain, guilt and fear of getting into a car. Sue doesn’t sleep, due to flashbacks, as she keeps seeing the silver car flying through the air and hitting her. She always drove before the accident and would drive anywhere, and now she will not drive, and has to take medication before she gets into a car as a passenger. After years of therapy, Sue was desperate and contacted The Speakmans.


Sex Attack


Prison Officer Violent Attack