Words Of Thanks

The Speakmans have demonstrated their therapies on television since 2000, releasing thousands of people from a whole host of anxiety disorders.

Comments from some of those individuals are below.

  • Kev Williams

    Kev Williams

    Kev Williams spent nearly five decades terrified of lifts, trains and buses. He simply cannot contain his delight to be free of his fear.

  • Tracy Chapple

    Tracy Chapple

    From the age of 4, Tracey Chapple has had a phobia of lifts, always having to take the stairs whenever she had to get up a building. The Speakmans identified that it was also claustrophobia (a fear of enclosed spaces) that was perpetuating Tracey’s fear.

  • Julia Rawlings

    Julia Rawlings

    Julia Rawlings suffered from claustrophobia for 35 years, and more recently developed a fear of driving.

  • Em Jay Carter

    Em Jay Carter

    Em Jay Carter has suffered with claustrophobia (a fear of lifts) for as long as she can remember.

  • Natalie Sentence

    Natalie Sentence

    Natalie could’t go into an elevator for 18 years. Claustrophobia then began to restrict many parts of her life. With Nik & Eva’s help she overcame her issues and now uses an elevator daily.