Additional Success Stories

Other psychological issues that The Speakmans have successfully treated are evidenced in films here. Issues such as: generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, confidence issues grief and pica.

  • SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder)

    SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder)

    SAD is an extreme fear of speaking to, or being around people and social situations. Karen has such a severe social anxiety she is terrified of anyone other than her husband David. She even fears spending time with her family and has grandchildren she has never seen.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Generalized anxiety disorder is a medical term that The Speakmans believe is a “sweeping statement”. Like The Vamps’ Connor Ball, those diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder are left with a sense of dread and feeling broken, given they don’t know the root cause of their anxiety.

  • Anxiety And Low Confidence

    Anxiety And Low Confidence

    Living with low confidence and low self-esteem can harm one’s mental health and lead to anxiety symptoms. Celebrity actor Warwick Davis states that many of those with dwarfism will have suffered anxiety due to low confidence and low self-esteem throughout their lives.