Additional Success Stories

Other psychological issues that The Speakmans have successfully treated are evidenced in films here. Issues such as: generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, confidence issues grief and pica.

  • Pica


    Pica is an eating disorder that causes sufferers to eat objects or items that aren’t typically considered food and which hold no nutritional value. In the case of Emma Snowden, her pica manifests in chewing sponges. She began chewing and secretly eating sponges ever since the passing of her Grandma.

  • Anorexia


    Anorexia is generally considered to be a condition which can only be managed, not successfully treated. The Speakmans disagree with that view. Sophie has battled with anorexia since the age of 10, with her family having spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on potential solutions to cure Sophie’s anorexia.