Additional Success Stories

Other psychological issues that The Speakmans have successfully treated are evidenced in films here. Issues such as: generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, confidence issues grief and pica.

  • Dermatillomania


    Dermatillomania is a compulsion skin picking condition. Charlotte has suffered since giving birth due from a surprise pregnancy. Charlotte is now covered in scars.

  • Trichotillomania And Dermatillomania

    Trichotillomania And Dermatillomania

    Trichotillomania is currently defined as an impulse control disorder, and is a compulsion to pull out one’s own hair, eyebrows and/or eyelashes. Dermatillomania is a skin picking disorder. Tash suffers with both disorders. The Speakmans say these disorders always start from a ‘good idea’ which then becomes habitual, leading to (but not always being aware of) self-harm.

  • Trichotillomania


    Trichotillomania, also known as trich, is an obsession to pull out hairs anywhere on ones body. Charlotte’s tricotillomania and dermatillomania is so severe that it renders her incapable to live life to the full with her young daughter.