Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Melissophobia And Spheksophobia

    Melissophobia And Spheksophobia

    A phobia of bees (melissophobia) or wasps (spheksophobia) can be acquired from experiencing a distressing or unpleasant event with them as a child. In the case of Shana, this is definitely the case, with her being petrified of bees and wasps since childhood.

  • Melissophobia


    An intense phobia of bees (melissophobia, or apiphobia) can become more problematic in the summer months, when bees appear in greater numbers. For Angela, summer is a season to be feared rather than enjoyed for this very reason.