Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Aerophobia


    Flying phobias are also known as aerophobia. Alison has had a fear of flying since she first flew at the age of 19. Now being petrified of plane travel for 20 years. Now this is becoming between Alison and her family as her daughter lives in Dubai. Even the sight of planes are now unbearable for her.

  • Aerophobia


    Aerophobia is the fear of flying. Alessandro has been fine with going on aeroplanes most of his life, but all of that changed after one traumatic experience. The Speakmans believe that a fear of flying can stem from either a fear of heights (acrophobia) or a fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).

  • Aerophobia


    One in seven people have a fear of flying, known as aerophobia. It can manifest as a result of other phobias, such as a fear of heights (acrophobia), a fear of enclosed spaces or being trapped (claustrophobia), a fear of crashing (through lack of understanding of aviation and the fact that plane crashes are sensationalized whereas safe plane travel is not) or a fear of panic attacks, in a place from which escape is not possible (agoraphobia).

  • Aerophobia


    Aerophobia is a fear of flying, which affects millions of people worldwide. ITV This Morning presenter Holly Willoughby believes she acquired aerophobia after a traumatic flying experience on a previous TV show that she worked on.

  • Aerophobia


    Aerophobia is an exaggerated fear of flying. Musical performer David has had the most debilitating phobia of flying since he was aged 17; he is desperate to overcome his phobia once and for all so he will be able to go to a wedding abroad.

  • Aerophobia


    Katie wants to overcome her fear of flying (aerophobia) for her mother Dianne, so they can finally go on a family holiday. Her flying phobia is so debilitating that it has prevented her from having a family holiday abroad for the last 20 years.

  • Aerophobia


    A fear of flying is called aviophobia, or aerophobia. In the case of Carl, his fear of getting on a plane was inherited from childhood. For others, it can emerge from adulthood, as a result of various triggering factors.