Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Coulrophobia


    Coulrophobia is a phobia of clowns, making people see clowns as more sinister than they actually are. Heather’s fear debilitates her whole life; her coulrophobia started in childhood, after receiving a Jack-In-The-Box — getting terrified of the clown jumping out of its box.

  • Coulrophobia


    A fear of clowns is known as coulrophobia. Naomi’s phobia started at 5 or 6 in a TV rental store, when she came across a clown and it terrified her. She has regular monthly nightmares about clowns — she has to stay indoors when it’s the week of Halloween.

  • Coulrophobia


    Hannah has had a fear of clowns her whole life (which is known as coulrophobia) and cries and physically shakes at the thought of seeing one. The ‘Panic Room’ has clown themed tests, the last one being a real clown.

  • Coulrophobia


    Coulrophobia is a fear (phobia) of clowns. Children and adults who fear clowns may experience extreme, irrational reactions when they see clowns in person, or viewing pictures or videos of clowns, such as Liz. She believes she has had the phobia since age 13.