Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Pediophobia


    Pediophobia is a rare and intense fear of dolls. Donna Dean has had the phobia since she was a toddler, sometimes fainting at the sight of dolls. She has two young daughters, therefore Donna’s fear definitely incapacitates her joy and happiness with her children.

  • Pediophobia


    Pediophobia is a phobia of dolls. 21-year old Stacy’s fear is triggered by a range of dolls (specifically the eyes on dolls) from old-fashioned china dolls and porcelain dolls, to dolls that talk and move.

  • Pediophobia


    This fear, called pediophobia, can be triggered by popular culture, horror movies, or another traumatic event even loosely related to dolls. Jenny’s fear is triggered by barbie dolls, especially if the arms of a doll gets pulled off. However even if Jenny touches a doll, she becomes hysterical.