Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Ornithophobia


    A fear of birds is known as ornithophobia. For Paula, she has had the phobia her entire life; she can’t be near them, she can’t eat them, she can’t see them. Paula’s husband Dermot is a chef whose dishes mostly contain chicken, however they can’t enjoy his food as a couple, due to his wife’s debilitating fear.

  • Ornithophobia


    Ornithophobia is the medical name for an overwhelming fear of birds. For Lynsey (The Queen Of Clean) from This Morning, she reveals that her phobia symptoms seem to be getting worse over time.

  • Ornithophobia


    Having an exaggerated fear of birds is officially called ornithophobia. For 64-year old Jackie, she’s had a bird phobia all of her life - stating it’s the bird’s wings flapping which triggers her intense phobic response.