Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Speakmans Revisited - Ranidaphobia

    Speakmans Revisited - Ranidaphobia

    Ranidaphobia is a fear of frogs and toads. For Wendy, her phobia was so debilitating that she was unable to leave the house in an effort to avoid even the slightest chance of seeing a frog or toads.

  • Ranidaphobia


    Ranidaphobia is a fear of frogs or toads. Unlike most phobias that develop in childhood, many frog and toad phobias develop later in life as a result of a traumatic experience. For example, whilst mowing the lawn and running over frogs and toads, such as is the case of Wendy.

  • Ranidaphobia


    Ranidaphobia is a fear of frogs. Sarah struggles to leave the house because of her phobia — inheriting it at the age of 6 when she kissed a frog and contracted hepatitis. She has two children; because her ranidaphobia is so bad, after reading a bedtime story to her children that had a picture of a frog, she can no longer read to them at night.