Phobia Success Stories

The Speakmans have helped countless people around the world successfully overcome their phobias.

Some of those stories are featured below.

  • Dentophobia


    An irrational fear of the dentists is known as dentophobia. Ashlee got bullied at school for having no front teeth. She hasn't been to the dentist since she was 16, and she has lost 5 teeth in the last 10 years. Ashlee struggles to eat, has lost her self-esteem and is at breaking point.

  • Dentophobia


    A phobia of dentists is known as dentophobia. Sarah’s fear of dentists started when she was 13, and it’s so intense that she once went to the extreme measure of pulling out her own teeth.

  • Dentophobia


    One in five people in the UK have dentophobia, a phobia of the dentist, which can occur following a bad experience at the dentists, in childhood or adulthood. David Porter's dentophobia is so intense that even talking about the dentist gives him a panic attack.